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Cleveland Clinic's Prof. Howard Goldman visits WCH to strengthen medical cooperation

On the afternoon of May 21, Professor Howard Goldman and his team from the Cleveland Clinic visited West China Hospital (WCH) for an exchange visit. Vice President Wang Kunjie, along with representatives from the Urology Department and the International Office, participated in the meeting.

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During the discussion, Vice President Wang first introduced the basic situation of our hospital and expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the continuous support provided by the Cleveland Clinic in terms of personnel training and teaching. He highlighted the outstanding performance of the Glickman Urologic Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in medical research and the quality of medical services, and expressed the desire to strengthen cooperation and exchange between the two sides.


Professor Howard Goldman, the director of the Glickman Urologic Institute and the chief of the Division of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, reviewed the seven-year history of cooperation between the two sides and expressed his hope for further deepening cooperation to achieve win-win development.


Both sides engaged in in-depth discussions on various fields such as basic medical research, joint scientific research, clinical skills training, student cultivation, and talent introduction.

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After the discussion, the delegation visited the hospital's history museum and the Multimodal Surgical Skills Training and Innovation Center, giving high praise to our hospital's historical heritage and technological innovation. This visit further deepened the cooperative relationship between our hospital and the Cleveland Clinic and laid a solid foundation for in-depth cooperation in medical research and clinical training. Looking forward, both sides plan to carry out practical cooperation in areas such as visiting professor appointments, sister department construction, and joint training center establishment.