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Finnish medical innovation delegation visits WCH

On the morning of April 15, a Finnish medical innovation delegation led by Mr. Marko Tiesmäki, Commercial Counselor of the Finnish Embassy in China, visited West China Hospital (WCH). Vice President Chen Lei of the hospital, along with representatives from various clinical and administrative departments, warmly received the delegation.

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Vice President Chen Lei warmly welcomed the Finnish delegation and highlighted Finland's leading position in the construction of biobanks and medical device innovation. She expressed the hope that both sides should strengthen cooperation in the construction of digital hospitals, management of biobanks, cohort studies, and the application of artificial intelligence in the medical field, to jointly promote medical innovation and improve the level of medical research and patient satisfaction.

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Mr. Marko Tiesmäki stated that medical innovation is one of the key factors contributing to Finland's consecutive recognition by the United Nations as the happiest country in the world. He hopes that this visit will facilitate the dissemination of Finnish medical concepts and technology in China and deepen cooperation between China and Finland in the field of medicine.


During the exchange meeting, representatives from seven Finnish medical companies introduced their innovative products and concepts in cutting-edge areas such as tumor immunotherapy, digital transformation of hospitals, rehabilitation medicine, and medical waste treatment. Representatives from WCH expressed a strong interest in further cooperation.

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Following the visit, the Finnish delegation toured the hospital's International Medical Center and Health Management Center, and highly praised its medical facilities and management level.